Useful contacts

01268 594350

01268 524900

01702 746065

01245 440761

0300 303 9988

  • Central booking for hospital x-ray / CT / MRI and ultrasound appointments

01268 396684

01268 533 333

0300 300 1600

  • Essex Wellbeing and Youthful Wellbeing

                Thurrock Brentwood and Basildon Youthful Wellbeing Poster

                Essex Wellbeing Service - Leaflet 2023

0113 824 9112

  • MSK - Self referral to Physiotherapy 

01268 904102

01245 806100

0300 300 1527

01268 977171 

Adrenaline auto-injectors reminder service
If you have been prescribed an adrenaline auto-injector(s), it is important that they are always within its expiry date.
To register for this FREE service please visit one of the following websites: for prescription expiry alert for EpiPen users. for prescription expiry alert for AnaPen users.